About Us
Nala Bear Pet Supplies provides pet parents with the best products available for their furry loved ones. Our mission is to bring convenient access to the international pet product market in a format that allows you the freedom of choice, tactile feedback via our Brick and Mortar store.
Our Story (short version...I swear):
We started this business because of our first son, Lordie Bugs. He was our first cat, very charming stray who won us over.
After a few years he became very sick, and we battled with an, at the time, undiagnosed illness...(this is difficult to write)
We had many challenges with locating, importing and generally accessing the right products for our little boy, even if it was palliative care at that point...
Reaching out and sharing stories with other pet parents, during our many vet visits, we realized that we were not alone and those sentiments sowed the seeds for NBPS.
Ultimately, Lorde went home to be with the Lord and we were one month into the operations of Nala Bear Pet Supplies - TheCatStoreTT.com
Ensuring that Lordie Bugs' legacy forever changed the Landscape in T&T for:
- Feline Nutrition
- Feline Education
- Feline Care
- Feline Medical Support Access
- Feline Life Enrichment
Due to Nala Bear's - Market disruption, customer service, active social networking, providing support resources, seeking to constantly educate, etc.